Medical Doctor Assistant + Ext Js + Adobe AIR + SQL Lite

March 31, 2009

This project is still in under development
Background Problems?

“getting old getting weaker to remember something“. Do you agree with that statement? I hope you agree with that :D,  And when you are in bad mood, it’s very difficult to concentrate with one thing. or Are you the superior one that can concentrate when you are in bad mood? Can you remember plenty of data in your mind? How long it takes to regain memory that ‘sleeps’  in your mind when there is another action that must be done as fast as possible ? Is organized data is more efficient than unorganized data?

What is Medical Doctor Assistant?

Medical Doctor Assistant is an application that has main aid for doctors to manage symptoms, diseases and live search disease. This application is working on Windows Platform and requires Adobe Air and Extjs as its Framework. Doctor Assistant uses SQL Lite to store its data and manage its data.

This project is still under development. It’s free

What this app covers ?

  • Covers to manage  symptoms data
  • Covers to manage disease data
  • Covers to live search diseases based on criteria

What you need for this app?

This app is working on Windows Platform requires Adobe Air and Extjs . That’s all

Who is this app for?

This app is built  for everyone,  doctor who need an application that can manage information about symptoms and diseases, Extjs Developers/Newbies that need references or example  about Adobe Air and Java Script especially Extjs. Are you the one? Then this app is for you.

If you have some ideas, you can share your idea in comment form . 🙂

3 Responses to “Medical Doctor Assistant + Ext Js + Adobe AIR + SQL Lite”

  1. Pinto Sjafri Says:

    I think it’s nice project, but IMHO, you will used allota database for it.
    and for medical diagnosis IMHO it’s need human touch.
    I think you should make it simple, you just make database according the diseases, not by symptom or medical exam, since it’s to many you should eleminir (I started what we had discussion earlier on the forum)
    for ex. for common cold you must ask patient all question what she/he had, like how long she/he get infected, how the cough manifestation including the color of the sleam etc (this used freq for eleminier it’s just common cold or it’s already had secondary infection), had high fever, or mild fever or no at all, and after that medical exam, after that all question you kan diagnosis her/him as common cold, but if she/he had COPD (chronic obstruction pulmonal deases) the simple common cold will not had interperation like i mention earlier, it will had lot different and severe case like symptom eventhough she or he only got common cold.

    so IMHO you should make it simple, just make a deases database, and the person who want to use your service, can type what he found, and it will give all the symptom within database. (like you current planning that you mention it above on this article)

    I think you can go to some site that already make the online version, of it, mdconsult

    and if I can give advise, make it online, so mobile device can connect to it, if you didn’t want had website like mdconsult or emedicine you can just upload the database online, and distribute the application that connect to that database via internet. so bassicly you just make a search engine for mobile device that connect to your database on internet server. AFAIK there is no one already make something like this yet. you can be the first one who make it.
    the good side
    – just little size of program for the mobile device
    – no advance website codding, hey it’s only database
    – low bandwidth consume, this good for your consumer.

    the bad side
    – a few mobile device can used it, since it’s depend on what type of mobile device that you developed
    – no low end mobile device
    – need internet connections

    for low end mobile device I think I had suggestion for you, you can make it on wap site. maybe it’s not beauty as it’s look but who need beauty now days, people need information, the beauty the last thing people thinking off.

    if you make something like that, I think it’s will be good programs.

    but I still thinking that still in the rural area at indonesia had no internet connection though, but you can beat this by your offline program that you already planning off

    I hope we can discus this it again sometimes, success with your project. and please let me know if your program already finish, if you need mirror server for it, let me know, I hope I can help you as long as it free.

    PS. sorry my bad english ^_^

  2. The Doctor of Medicine is a doctoral degree for physicians. The degree is granted from medical schools. A medical doctor practices medicine, and is concerned with maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease and injury. Doctors make people healthier. When people get sick, doctors figure out why. They give people medicine and other kinds of treatment. They also give advice about diet, exercise, and sleep.

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